A powerful Business book to establish yourself as an expert in your field

Looking for a business book ghostwriter? Ghostwriting, editing, and publishing your Business book made easy


We can weave accurate facts and stats into business books for you

Our business book ghost-writing service is intended to enrich your book with factual information and figures. We provide skilled ghost-writing services on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Firm expansion strategies
  • Books on economics and its use in business
  • Leadership books that investigate good leadership ideas
  • Books on company management that cover a variety of topics
  • Books on business marketing that provide ideas and techniques
  • A thorough guide to being a successful business
** Our talented ghost-writers will work with you to create fascinating tales, ensuring that your business book is interesting, useful, and personalized to your specific vision.

Allow us to assist you in bringing your business knowledge to the page and captivating your audience

  • Conceptualization of a Book
  • Manuscript Preparation and Ghost-writing
  • Proofreading and editing
  • Including Statistics and Research
  • Layout and formatting
  • Publishing Assistance
  • Market Analysis and Strategy
  • Reputation
  • Design of the Cover
** Our talented ghost-writers will work with you to create fascinating tales, ensuring that your business book is interesting, useful, and personalized to your specific vision.

Want to guide the future generations on how to start a business?

Get your idea drafted into words – Check our book-writing guide

Until this point, your ghost book writing journey is like most others; however, you may require more services that can help your ghostwritten book generate more profit, reach a wider audience, and help create an impact on your target market. Those are as follow:

Audio Books

Business books are guides that provide first-hand knowledge about their experiences of starting a business or expanding it and how they overcame it. Creating audiobooks that can literally talk to the listeners can impact in a much better way that mere reading may not. Why make people who want to do something big in their lives miss out on the message that your ghostwritten book wants to put forth?

Tutorial Videos

A book that is supported by visuals or helpful tutorial videos can help the audience to better understand the concept and go a long way in making an impact on budding business persons. You would not want your book to just be another book that is forgotten in the pages of history. Your idea can be created into a small tutorial video that your readers may purchase via a subscription or as a part of your ghostwritten eBook and audio/ video book package.

A glimpse into our American Publishers Group

American Publishers Group aims to produce classic content. Our only objective is to provide you with an excellent customer experience. Along with the books, we have published various impressive and thought-provoking works of fiction, including journals, cookbooks, and memoirs.


Author’s: Mathew Wayne

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Author: Andrew J. Kalaven

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Author: Rosie Daykin

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The idea of HIM

Author: Carla Muse

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Communication - A Phenomenon

Author: Lisa P Whitle

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In Search of the Absolute Truth

Author: Rosie Daykin

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The Coffin World of My Closet

Author: Rufus Brown

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The Eleventh Hour: Fight against America

Author: Cassandra Collin

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The Coffin World of My Closet

Author: Rufus Brown

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Author: Roseanne Cosme

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Author: Karla Ballard

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Numbness and Tingling

Author: Rebecca Boronski

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Understanding Mental Toughness

Author: Edmond Mbiaka

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Author: Kate Barkley

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Thinking Beyond

Author: Will A. Lee

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Look for explanations, not excuses

Author: Chris Daigle

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Seductive love: Infidels and love birds

Author: David C. Chang

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The idea of HIM

Author: Carla Muse

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The Religion of Lust

Author: Wesley Williams

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Unfathomable Love

Author: Tiffany Blair Harrison

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Cooker’s War on Boogers

Author: Sarah M. Forden

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Amanda and Alena go on an Adventure

Author: Marta Kristen

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A bit too sweet

Author: Jamie Davidson

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Author: Andrew J Kalaven

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A Serial Killer Explanation

Author: Victor Holt

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Capsule Reality

Author: Mathew Wayne

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Author: Carla Muse

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Kill with a Shot

Author: Suzanne Bailey

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